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How To Pitch A Book To A Publisher (8 Key Steps To Follow)

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  • October 9, 2023
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  • 9 min read


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So, you have written a fantastic book and want to share it with the world. One of the best ways to do that is by publishing your book.

But how do you pitch a book to a publisher? Do not worry; it is not as hard as it sounds and you try a book publishing service. In this detailed article, you learn 8 easy steps to help you pitch a book like a pro.

8 Key Steps To Pitch A Book To A Publisher

Step 1: Give Your Manuscript Some Extra Love and Attention

Okay, you have got this awesome book you want to share with the world, right? Before you do that, let’s talk about making it even more amazing.

First, grab your favorite red pen (or any color you like) and dive into your book.

Start by reading it from the beginning to the end. While you read, be on the lookout for any sneaky mistakes. You know, those tricky typos and spelling mix-ups that can hide in your writing. Circle them, cross them out, or make a big “Oops!” note—whatever helps you remember to fix them later.

But we’re not done yet! Next, take a step back and look at the big picture. Does your story make sense? Are there any parts that feel like they’re missing something? Maybe you forgot to explain something important, or a part doesn’t fit. Jot down those notes so you can come back to them.

Now, look at each sentence and think about how it sounds. Are your sentences clear and understandable, or do they wander around like lost puppies?

If you find a confusing sentence, try rewriting it to make it simpler and clearer. And while you’re at it, see if you can find better words. You know, words that paint a vivid picture in your reader’s mind.

Here’s a fun part: ask some friends or family to read your book and tell you what they think. They might spot things you missed. Plus, it’s always cool to have someone else’s perspective.

Step 2: Dive Deep into Publisher Research

Okay, now that your manuscript is getting spiffy, it’s time to chat about publishers. See, not all publishers are the same. Some like certain types of books, and others prefer different flavors. So, you need to find the right match for your awesome book.

How do you do that? Research, my friend! Start by thinking about your book’s genre. Is it a mystery, a fantasy, or maybe a funny adventure? Figure that out first.

Next, hit the internet or the library and start looking up publishers who are into your kind of book. Check out their websites and see if they’ve published books that are similar to yours. That’s a good sign they might also be interested in your work if they have.

Now, here comes the important part: read their rules. Every book and audiobook publisher has a set of rules on how they want you to send them your manuscript.

Look for what they want in your pitch letter, how they want your book formatted, and any other stuff they ask for.

Here’s a tip: make a list of these publishers and their rules. That way, you won’t mix things up. And guess what? When you send your pitch, you can show them you’re a super professional writer who follows their rules to a T.

Don’t forget that you can also find info about publishers, including how to find the publisher of a website, in person. Go to book events or author meet-ups. You might bump into publishers or authors who can share their wisdom.

Step 3: Write a Super Cool Query Letter

You’ve got your manuscript, and you know which publishers might be your book’s best buddies. Now, let’s talk about the query letter. Think of it as your book’s introduction to the publisher world.

A query letter is like a special note to become a book publisher, which you need to prepare before you pitch a book, and it needs to be super interesting.

Start with something catchy to grab their attention. It’s like saying, “Hey, you! Check this out!” Then, give them a sneak peek into your book. Tell them what it’s about, but keep it short and snappy. Don’t spill all the beans—just enough to make them curious enough so that they would give you a chance to Pitch a Book.

Now, it’s time to introduce yourself a bit. Mention any cool stuff about you that’s related to your book. Maybe you’ve won a writing award or written other stories before. Share it!

Here’s the tricky part: follow their rules. Remember those secret codes we talked about? The publisher will have their own secret codes for how they want the query letter. Make sure you follow their instructions exactly. If they want it by email, send it by email. If they want it in purple font (just kidding, they probably won’t), then make it purple. The point is to be a rule-following superstar.

Step 4: Craft a Marvelous Book Synopsis

Now, we are working towards how to pitch a book, but before that, create a synopsis. What’s that, you ask? It’s like telling someone the main ingredients of your book without giving away the whole recipe.

Your book synopsis should be short and exciting. Think of it as the movie trailer for your book. You want the publisher to be on the edge of their seat, dying to read more.

Start by describing the main characters and the big adventure or mystery they’re diving into. Give a taste of the excitement, but don’t spill all the secrets. Keep them guessing and wanting more!

Remember, your book is unique, so make sure your synopsis shows uniqueness. What makes your story different from all the others? That’s what you want to highlight.

And guess what? Yup, you got it—check those publisher rules again. Some publishers might want a short synopsis, while others might want a longer one. Make sure you give them what they’re asking for.

Step 5: Let’s Create a Fantastic Author Bio

An author bio is like a little paragraph that tells the publisher about you, the writer. It’s your chance to show them that you’re the right person to tell this amazing story and pitch a book with your charm.

Start by sharing anything cool you’ve done that’s related to writing. Maybe you’ve written stories for your school newspaper, or perhaps you won a writing contest. Anything that shows you’ve got some writing chops should go in here.

If your book is about pirates, and you’ve sailed the high seas (or maybe just read tons of pirate books), mention it! If your story is set in a magical land like “Trails Carolina Horror Stories“, and you’ve got a magical imagination to match, tell them about it.

Remember, the goal is to make the publisher think, “Wow, this writer knows their stuff!” So, share your writing superpowers and make yourself shine.

Step 6: Follow Those Submission Rules to a T:

Okay, let’s get down to business. You’ve got your polished manuscript, catchy query letter, and awesome author bio. Now, it’s time to play by the publisher’s rules if you want a chance to pitch a book.

Different publishers have different ways they like things done. Some want you to email everything, while others prefer a good old-fashioned paper submission. Some might want to see just the first few chapters, while others want the enchilada.

Here’s the deal: you need to follow their rules exactly. If they say, “Send it in a purple envelope,” you better find a purple envelope (just kidding, but you get the idea). The point is to show the publisher marketplace you are a professional who can play by their rules.

Don’t rush this part. Double-check everything. Did you include all the things they asked for? Did you format your manuscript the way they want it? Did you address the query letter to the right person? These little details matter a lot.

If you’re unsure about something, asking for clarification is okay. Send them a polite email or give them a call. They’ll appreciate your effort to get things right.

Remember, following their rules isn’t just about being a good rule-follower. It’s about showing the publisher you’re serious, professional, and respectful of their process. So, take your time, triple-check everything, and get your submission just right!

Step 7: Stay Patient and Keep Trying

Okay, now comes a part that might test your patience, but remember, good things take time! You’ll have to wait until you’ve sent your manuscript and all those amazing documents to the publishers. Waiting can be tough, but it’s all part of the adventure.

The self-publishing companies world moves at its own pace, So don’t worry if you don’t hear back immediately. It doesn’t mean they don’t like your book; it just means they’re busy bees with lots of books to read.

Step 8: Consider the Literary Agent

Here’s a secret weapon some authors use to help them on their publishing journey to Pitch A Book: the literary agent. Think of them as your book’s superhero advocate.

A literary agent is like a book writing bureau in the publishing world; even if you ask them, “What are some book publishers near me?” they can probably tell you some names.

They have connections, know all the right people, and can get your book noticed. If you find that traditional publishers aren’t jumping on board your book train, it might be time to consider teaming up with one of these literary heroes.


Pitching your book to a publisher may seem like a daunting task, but by following these 8 easy steps, you can increase your chances of success.

With determination and perseverance, your book could soon find its way into the hands of eager readers.

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