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How To Format An EBook (Expert Tips and Advice)

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  • July 26, 2023
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  • 13 min read


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The world of self-publishing has opened up endless opportunities for writers to share their stories and ideas. However, publishing an ebook is not just about writing great content. It is also about ensuring your ebook looks great on different devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. This is where the format of an ebook comes into play. Effective ebook formatting can distinguish between a professional-looking ebook that readers enjoy and a poorly formatted ebook that frustrates readers.

This article provides step-by-step guidance on how to format an ebook effectively using the best ebook formatting practices. So, this article covers whether you are new to ebook editing services or an experienced author looking to resell eBooks on Amazon.

Importance of eBook Formatting for Different Devices

Regarding eBook formatting, one of the most critical aspects is catering to different devices. The layout of an eBooks can significantly impact the reading experience, particularly on smaller screens such as smartphones. Therefore, it’s crucial to correctly format an eBook to ensure it looks great and is easily read on different devices.

One of the key considerations when formatting an ebook is screen size. Smartphones typically have smaller screens than tablets and e-readers, making reading ebooks more challenging. If an ebook is not correctly formatted for a smaller screen, readers may struggle to read the text, leading to a frustrating reading experience. Therefore, it’s important to format an ebook to cater to smaller screens by using a legible font and adjusting the text size.

Orientation is another important factor to consider when formatting an ebook. Many devices can be held in landscape and portrait orientations, and how an ebook appears on the screen can vary depending on the orientation. Therefore, it’s essential to format an ebook in a way that looks great in landscape and portrait modes.

The importance of ebook formatting for different devices cannot be overstated. In a world where readers consume content on various devices, ensuring that an ebook looks great and is easy to read, regardless of the device, is essential. By taking the time to format an ebook correctly, authors can improve the reading experience for their readers, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Data supports the importance of ebook formatting. According to a survey by the e-reading platform Kobo, 75% of readers said they prefer properly formatted ebooks for their devices. Additionally, 88% of readers said that they find it essential for ebooks to be formatted correctly to ensure a pleasant reading experience. These statistics highlight how important it is for authors to take ebook formatting seriously.

Hence, ebook formatting is a crucial aspect of eBooks publishing. By formatting an ebook correctly, authors can ensure that it looks great and is easily read on various devices. The importance of catering to different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations cannot be overstated. By taking the time to format an ebook correctly, authors can improve the reading experience for their readers, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction. Whether you are an experienced author or just starting with book writing companies, it’s essential to prioritize ebook formatting to ensure the success of your ebook.

Which Format is Best for eBooks?

When formatting an ebook, choosing the right format is crucial for ensuring compatibility with different devices and a seamless reading experience for the audience. Several different ebook formats are available, each with pros and cons.

  1. ePub: The ePub format is widely used and compatible with most e-readers, smartphones, and tablets. It is known for its reflowable text, which allows the reader to adjust the font size and style according to their preference. On the other hand, the Mobi format is more suited for Kindle devices and offers a range of features such as resizable text, notes, and highlights. However, it is not as widely compatible as ePub.
  2. PDF: PDF is another popular format, especially for textbooks and books requiring fixed layouts. PDFs offer excellent image quality and preserve the book’s layout, but they are not ideal for e-readers due to their fixed layout and limited ability to adjust the font size.

When choosing the best format for different types of ebooks, the decision largely depends on the type of content and the intended audience. For example, fiction ebooks are usually best formatted in the ePub format due to their reflowable text and compatibility with various devices. Non-fiction ebooks, on the other hand, may benefit from the fixed layout of the PDF format, especially if they contain images or diagrams.

Regarding textbooks, the choice between ePub and PDF largely depends on the type of content and the desired reading experience. While ePub offers reflowable text and flexibility, PDFs are better suited for complex layouts, images, and diagrams.

It’s also important to consider the compatibility of each format with different devices. ePub is compatible with most e-readers, smartphones, and tablets, while Mobi is primarily used for Kindle devices. PDFs are compatible with most devices but do not offer the same flexibility and reflowable text as ePub.

So, choosing the right ebook format is crucial for ensuring compatibility with different devices and a seamless reading experience for the audience. The decision largely depends on the type of content, the intended audience, and the desired reading experience. It’s really important to consider the pros and cons of each format and choose the one that best suits the audience’s needs and content.

How to Format an eBook?

eBook’s have revolutionized the publishing industry by making it easier for eBook writers to self-publish their work. However, formatting an eBook can be a daunting task for first-time authors. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to format an eBook effectively.

Preparing the manuscript:

Before formatting an eBook, it is essential to prepare the manuscript. Here are some guidelines for preparing the manuscript:

  1. Remove headers/footers and page numbers: eBook readers usually have small screens, and headers, footers, and page numbers can take up valuable screen real estate. Therefore, it is advisable to remove them before formatting the book.
  2. Adjust font styles and sizes: Use a simple font style and standard book size that is easy to read on different devices. Avoid using fancy fonts, as they can cause formatting issues.
  3. Structure the content: Structure the content using headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists. This will make the book more readable and accessible.

Choosing the right software:

Several software options are available for formatting an ebook, and choosing the right one can make the process easier. Here are some popular software options for ebook formatting:

  1. Scrivener: Scrivener is a popular software for writers that can be used for formatting ebooks. It is user-friendly and has several features for formatting text, images, and other book elements.
  2. Sigil: Sigil is open-source software that can format ebooks in the ePub format. It has a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface, making it easy for authors to format their books.
  3. Caliber: Calibre is free and open-source software that converts ebooks from one format to another. It also has features for editing and formatting ebooks.
  4. Vellum: Vellum is a paid software popular among indie authors for formatting ebooks. It offers a range of templates and styles, making it easy to create a professional-looking ebook.
  5. Jutoh: Jutoh is software used to create ebooks in various formats, including ePub, Kindle, and PDF. It offers features for formatting text, images, and other book elements and has a built-in ebook previewer.
  6. Pressbooks: Pressbooks is a web-based software that can be used to create and format ebooks. It offers a range of templates and styles and has collaboration features that make it easy to work with other authors or editors.
  7. Reedsy: Reedsy is a web-based platform that offers a range of tools for ebook creation and formatting. It offers a WYSIWYG editor, templates and styles to choose from, and collaboration features that make it easy to work with other authors or editors.

Formatting the book:

Once the manuscript is ready and the software is chosen, it is time to format the book. Here are some guidelines for formatting the book:

  1. Adding a cover: A good cover is essential for attracting readers to your book. You can either design the cover yourself or hire a professional designer to do it for you.
  2. Creating the table of contents: A table of contents is essential for navigating the book. Most ebook readers have a built-in table of contents feature that can be accessed from the navigation menu.
  3. Adjusting margins and spacing: Adjust the margins and spacing of the book to ensure that it is readable on different devices. A good rule is to use 1.5 line spacing and 0.5-inch margins.
  4. Formatting text: Use the software to format the text of the book. Use a simple font style and size that is easily read on different devices. Use headings and subheadings to structure the content.
  5. Formatting images: Use the software to format images in the book. Ensure that the images are in the right format and resolution for the ebook. Also, ensure that the images are appropriately placed in the book.

Testing the book:

Once the book is formatted, testing it on different devices is essential to ensure compatibility and readability. Here are some tips for testing the ebook:

  1. Use emulators: Emulators are software programs that can simulate the behavior of different devices. An emulator can help you test your ebook on different devices without having to own them. This can save you time and money while ensuring your ebook is compatible with various devices.
  2. Use physical devices: While emulators can be useful, testing your ebook on physical devices is also important. This will give you a more accurate idea of how your ebook looks and behaves on different devices. Make sure to test your ebook on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and e-readers.
  3. Check for formatting errors: During the testing process, check for any errors or issues with the ebook’s layout. Look for problems with font size, margins, and images. Ensure the text is readable and the images are clear and properly sized.

Uploading the book:

Once the book is formatted and tested, it is time to upload it to different best self-publishing platforms. Here are some guidelines for uploading the book:

  1. Amazon: Amazon is the largest ebook retailer and provides a platform for self-publishing eBooks. To upload the book to Amazon, you must create a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account, upload the book in the required format, and set the price and other details. You can also use Amazon’s keyword feature to optimize the book for search engines.
  2. Kobo: Kobo is a popular ebook retailer that provides a platform for self-publishing ebooks. To upload the book to Kobo, you must create a Kobo Writing Life account, upload the book in the required format, and set the price and other details.
  3. Barnes & Noble: Barnes & Noble stands out as an eBooks retailer with a self-publishing platform. To reach a broader audience through eBook subscription services, such as Nook Press, authors can create an account, upload their book in the specified format, and set the price and other details.

Optimizing the book for different platforms:

Each book publishing company has its requirements and guidelines for formatting eBooks. Therefore, optimizing the book for each platform to ensure maximum visibility and sales is essential. Here are some tips for optimizing the book for different platforms:

  1. Adding keywords: Use relevant keywords in the book’s title, description, and metadata to improve its visibility on search engines.
  2. Setting the right price: Set the book’s price based on genre, length, and competition. Research the prices of similar books on the platform and set a competitive price.
  3. Choosing the right categories and genres: Selecting the appropriate categories and genres for the book can increase its visibility to the target audience. Research the popular categories and genres on the platform and choose the ones that fit the book best.
  4. Formatting the book for each platform: Formatting the book according to the guidelines of each platform can improve its compatibility and readability. Each platform may have different formatting requirements, so it is essential to research and follow them.
  5. Creating an eye-catching cover: A visually appealing cover can attract potential readers and increase the book’s visibility. Use professional design tools or hire a designer to create a compelling cover that accurately represents the book’s content.
  6. Obtaining reviews: Positive reviews can influence potential readers to purchase the book. Encourage readers to leave reviews on the platform by offering a free copy or asking for feedback through social media or email marketing.
  7. Marketing the book: Promoting the book through social media, email marketing, book reviews, and author interviews can increase its visibility and sales. Develop a marketing strategy that targets the book’s ideal audience and includes various promotional channels.

Formatting an ebook can be daunting, but it is essential to ensure that the book is readable and accessible to readers. Following the guidelines above, authors can format their ebooks effectively and optimize them for different publishing platforms. Remember to prepare the manuscript, choose the right software, format the book, test it on different devices, and optimize it for each platform to ensure maximum visibility and sales. With the right formatting and optimization, self-publishing an ebook can be rewarding and profitable for authors.


What format do I need to upload an eBook on Amazon?

You need to use the MOBI format to upload an ebook to Amazon. If you are enrolled in the KDP Select program, you can also upload your ebook in KDP Select format. However, the MOBI format is the most widely accepted format on Amazon.

How to format ebooks for Kindle

To format an ebook for Kindle, you can use the Kindle ebook formatting software Kindle Create provided by Amazon. Kindle Create lets you add interactive elements to your ebook, such as drop caps, text pop-ups, and images. You can also use the software to create a table of contents, adjust formatting, and preview your ebook before publishing.

Can I use Microsoft Word to format an ebook?

While Microsoft Word can format an ebook, it may not be the best option. Word is designed for print an eBook documents, and converting a Word document to an ebook format can lead to formatting issues. Using software specifically designed for ebook formatting, such as Scrivener, Sigil, or Calibre, is advisable.


In conclusion, ebook formatting is critical to consider when publishing an eBook. It is about writing great content and ensuring the book looks great and is easily read on different devices. Effective eBook formatting can distinguish between a professional-looking eBook that readers enjoy and a poorly formatted eBook that frustrates readers. It is essential to cater to different devices, screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations to ensure a pleasant reading experience for readers. By taking the time to format an eBook correctly, authors can improve the reading experience for their readers, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

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